Integrative Energy Healing Therapies

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Pranic Healing, DNA Reprogramming, and Family Constellation are three complementary holistic practices that aim to restore balance and well-being. Pranic Healing involves harnessing life force energy to cleanse and energize the body's biofield, promoting physical and emotional health. DNA Reprogramming focuses on altering genetic expressions through positive affirmations and meditative techniques to overcome inherited limitations and optimize personal potential. Family Constellation therapy addresses unresolved ancestral traumas and family dynamics by revealing and transforming hidden patterns, fostering harmony and healing within the family system. Together, these practices integrate energy healing, genetic transformation, and systemic therapy to support profound personal growth and holistic wellness.

Pranic Healing

  • Pranic/Aura Healing is the clearing and realignment of the energy field (aura), around the physical body, and through the energetic anatomy of the organs and anatomy in order to bring about healing in the physical body.

    It is a gentle, non-intrusive (no touching is needed), all natural, and extremely effective method of aligning the energetic field of the body. It is now understood that diseases may begin in the aura field before they show in the physical body. The aura Practitioner can pick up these energy imbalances or in the auric field and release them by drawing the energy dross away out of the aura.

    The late Mr Colin Lambert, from Waihi, New Zealand, re-discovered many healing techniques used in ancient times. He found that he could sense with his hands, what he called dross (trapped or ‘negative’ energy) within the aura and was able to remove it to the benefit of health.

    During the 1960′s he pioneered and developed what he called Auric-Magnetic Healing and went on to promote it worldwide, with great success and excellent results. He was even able to remove cancers and became popular with American film stars during his career.

    It is his techniques as well as newly developed ones that we use to cleanse the aura and to investigate any energetic blocks in the organs and anatomy of the body.

    By passing trained hands through the Aura of the client, the practitioner is able to locate and clear, blockages, discordant energy, and imbalances within the clients auric field.

    Clients don’t need to tell the healer what’s wrong with them because the healer is guided by their hands and the energy blocks to the areas of the body that require attention.

    The clearing of unwanted dross in all our aura layers (representing our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies) causes all bodily electromagnetic energies and particles to become realigned, balanced and move in harmony.

    After a session the body experiences a a level of homeostasis, and clients feel, light, a sense of ease, peacefulness and harmony. Practitioners also use Universal Energy "Reiki" through their hands to restore the vital energy of the receivers body, for optimum health.

    A healthy aura will feel smooth and free; you can run your hands through it freely, without feeling any “obstacles”. “Obstacles” can be felt as warm hot spots, thickness or heaviness in pressure, and cool or cold spots, under the hands. By focusing and moving the hands over these areas, the healer “picks up” the unwanted energy "dross", and “throws it away“, by shaking it off the hands. This is done repeatedly until the area feels free-flowing, after which the healer can move on. When the whole aura or specific area of the aura (if requested) is cleared, the session is closed off in order to keep the body from reverting back to its previous state.

    “Aura Healing doesn’t label what’s wrong with you. It doesn’t need to name. It just works, unconditionally.”

    Aura Healing has been known to aid the healing process as the cells are energetically re-aligned and sown together. Miraculous stories of diseases seemingly “incurable”, being improved and often cured can be read on the internet. Having worked in this field for over 10 years i have countless reports from clients of their remarkable stories. Unfortunately i am unable to detail them here "see the testimonial page" because of the advertising standards and big pharma's assault on the complementary health industry.

    Practitioners are also trained to balance the chakras, and locate energetic imbalances in the organ meridians and anatomy. The chakras power and balance the meridian system (energetic system) and so help maintain the flow of energy through the body to maintain health. This has a very similar effect to acupuncture but without the needles.

    Absent Pranic Healing

    The absent healing we perform is much like the one-on-one Pranic/Aura healing sessions. The only difference is that we are working on your aura remotely. Whether only a few streets away in Christchurch NZ itself or even at the other side of the world (useful for our international clients or when you are on holidays!), we can influence your aura as easily as if you were in front of us by the quantum mechanical fact that energy/particles can exist in more than one place at once.

    We simply ask that your energy bodies be placed in front of us. Sometimes we use an outline of a human body on paper in front of us for reference depending on practitioner preference. Then it is simply a case of using intention and running our hands over the energy body, being drawn to and removing dross and so on.

    Because your physical body is not needed in the same room as the practitioner you are not even needed to stay still for the healing. However we recommend that time is set aside for healing so that you can be in the right mindset to aid us aid you heal. Many like to have the healing performed whilst they sleep.

Family Constellation

  • Family Constellation work is a method of psychotherapy that examines family dynamics and relationship issues to facilitate healing on a deep level. It aims to establish more harmonious relationships, for example in the relationship between a mother and daughter. It also aims to resolve unconscious and trans-generational patterns of entanglements within the family and extended family system/whanau by bringing them to the ‘surface’ and making them more conscious.

DNA Reprogramming

  • Sampoorna is an embodied Ascended Master and has the ability to help you reprogram limiting beliefs and activate new limitless beliefs into your DNA using epigenetics. As Professor Bruce Lipton has published.

    For example if you have struggled with ANY limiting believes, being in your head, self love, giving love, receiving love not at 100%, intuition blocked, these can be re-programmed.

    Robert will access your Akashic Records and bring forward a lifetime when you were able to do this/lived it. He then will access your soul blueprint and activate your DNA.

    This session is profound. You will feel a big shift and begin to access a higher state of consciousness and knowing by embodying these new beliefs.

    This is a life changing session and can help clear ANY blocks you have and unlock your full potential.

    This information can help you fast track your souls evolution and guide you on your life path.

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